Covid Deaths Visualization

On 18 march 2021 there were 2736 deaths recorded in the prior 24 hours. It was an incomprehensible amount of daily deaths. In order to help others understand it, this bot posted a message every 31 seconds during the subsequent 24 hours. The messages read “1 death”, “2 deaths”, “3 deaths” etc.

Data visualization is not about making data visible for the eye, it’s making it visible for the mind. This is one of such examples. View the source code of a sad but realistic visualization.

Twitter decided those were too many deaths and shut down the API for this project. Even an API knows when too many people are dying.

Numerical Systems Simulator

One of my early projects in university was a simulator that allowed users with no programming knowledge to explore parameter spaces in dynamical systems. Displaying phase diagrams, basin of attractions, detecting attractors and fixed orbits. This project was advised by professor Eduardo Colli and allowed me to explore numerical simulations without fear. It became a strong mark of my work in mathematics, statistics and algorithms which I ended up applying later in other fields of knowledge including my educational company and my magic pursuit.

An article was published on the implementation and usage of the software.

Because it was created before Github, its code was maintained in SVN repositories. Its early implementation was moved to Github in 2020. There were a few other proof of concepts later made in Python and a distributed example using Redis as the data server.


All your trademarks are belong to us

Making use of generative art, I am the trademark owner on all possible deck brands that were not available until then. Deck designs are randomly generated. It was a project for NYU Media Law course that discussed the limitations of trademark law facing generative applications. Code for the brand generator and code for the randomly generated designs.


NASA Memory game

My son loves space so I created a memory game generator using NASA images and used the process as a teaching tool for basic python web and image processing apis. Code is available here.


Detecting exoplanets with Arduino

A simple idea. First, create a “solar system” with Arduino, where planets orbit a star (light source). Second, create a “telescope” which is a light sensor. It works as a planet detector using transit photometry in the comfort of your living room. Video here.


Programming Contests


Magical Bonding