NFT Self Portraits

Self portraits reveals who we are and allows others to explore their understanding of us.

This is an art collection of NFT Self Portraits.

NFT self-portrait Aura


What does a NFT self-portrait look like? What defines a NFT? Is a NFT really unique? Can an address be unique?

The first four works are explicit self-potraits of a NFT.

All your NFT are belong to us


What defines ownership?

What is the difference between a house and the yellow pages?

Can I own all NFTs?

Is a 2d space such as the QRCode a metaverse?

QRCode pointing to everyone's NFTs.

All your NFT are belong to us.

QRCode linking to everyone's NFTs.

All your NFT are belong to us yellow.


  • Yes, click on the images.

    NFT self-portraits are art works available as NFTs. They are interactive and require the existence of a participant - you - to exist.

    You can find them for collection at

  • NFTs are seen as technical solutions, pointing to collectibles or art. NFT itself is not seen as art.

    The NFT self-portrait series allows us to reflect upon the becoming of an NFT. NFTs themselves become art.

    It does not point to an art work, it does reference an art work. The NFT is the art work.

  • Yes. The portrait painting and mechanism can also be built on demand.

  • The Aura series contains an infinite loop as it explores the meaning of an NFT: the registry and ownership of a redirect. How can we self-portrait method? By replicating the method to itself.

  • As technical art works, they are binary in nature, hence black and white.

  • Self-portraits ask from the creators to reflect upon their characteristics, and ask for collectors to reflect on the reflections.

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The collection will expand as different types of self-portraits are released during the upcoming month. Get notified first.


Generative Art

