The mouth speaks what the heart is full of / A boca diz daquilo que o coração está cheio

A senator goes to jail. Their child says “but my father is not the criminal they are talking about”. She does not understand yet that “even” criminals can love. The mouth speaks what the heart is full of… right now. So let me utter my words. So let’s see your words. 100 words describing a 13 year relationship to come out of… you.

Open your mouth.

To mint or not to mint?

As of its inception (Sep 2022) I want to pack the zip into mintable NFTs. Why? Because they explore the limits of NFTs as non-existing art. Typical NFTs exist as art as soon as they are minted. Some will change their content according to their status (blockchain information, time etc). Even after minting “Words from your mouth” does not exist unless you watch it, you interact with it. It can’t exist without it’s owner. Each mint is unique (random set and word order), yet, the minted art does not exist until someone’s eyes (and mouth) are ready to see them. They question NFT’s and art existence: when does the art begin and end? Even minted, those who should “be there forever” won’t be… even minted forever, they will only be there as long as someone keeps their mouth open.


I was looking for love